Thursday, November 20, 2014

New in Pokemon: World Champions!

Great news, everyone! The 2015 worlds are going to be in BOSTON this year! It's 300 championship points to compete.

I'm really exited, since I'll be watching the stream on twitch. I also really want to compete in the spring regionals~

Happy Battling!


EDIT: I don't have any solid proof of this but I can guarantee it, unless something happens! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New in Pokemon: Update your Bank!

Pokemon Bank v1.1 is available in the EShop! I haven't updated mine but I'm guessing that it will be compatible for ORAS, becoming available in 8 days!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New in Pokemon: Pokemon Themes!


click to expand
NoE has tweeted that all you Europeans out there will be getting some awesome themes for E1.99!
I especially love the Onemuri Pikachu!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

New in ORAS- Awesome Japanese Anime Special!

New in TCG- Furious Fists Strategy!

Well... since a lot of people out there play competitive TCG, I'll never be able to go competitive XD I decided to show a strategy I thought was cool!

Clawitzer(FF) and Blastoise(PB) Quite honestly these guys could make a great team. Put Blastoise on the bench, evolve Clauncher, and spam Blastoises ability Deluge to get as much energy as possible on the Clawitzer. Hydro Pump requires more energy and does +10 for each water energy while Clawitzer's Splash cannon does +20 for every water energy. Eventually with Clawitzer knocked out you can switch out to Blastoise and have it support itself with Deluge.

Adding onto the duo up there you can use Aurorus(FF)'s ability Ice Shield to reduce damage done to Clawitzer. Since the cards don't say you can only play one PokePower each turn I think this is fine, correct me if I'm wrong.

And voila, my strategy for the new TCG season! As if I'll be able to compete
Also, pleas critique this, it's definitely not complete and this is a small snip it. Also, please don't use exactly this strategy as the TCG is supposed to bring creativity to the board, but feel free to edit this one to fit your decks needs!


New in ORAS- Legendaries


In ORAS, you'll be able to catch a large number of legendaries, including

Groudon and Kyogre will obviously also be able to be caught. Reshiram and Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Palkia, Dialga will also be able to be caught, probably in mirage spots.
The Pokémon pictured above won't be found in mirage spots since they are pictured on the ground, while mirage spots are in the sky, so something tells me some post-game play will be available for ORAS!

Saturday, November 15, 2014